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  • Writer's pictureValerie Petry

How To Practice Mindfulness

Meditation is one of the biggest ways I practice self-care and minimize the way stress affects my body. Sometimes depending on the business and level of stress, I may meditate more than once. One of the ways in which I meditate is through mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way to bring oneself into the present moment by becoming aware of feelings, thoughts , and bodily sensations. It's often easier for me, especially with me working from home.

Here some tips to help practice mindfulness:

  • Breathe in, breathe out, feel the flow of the breath

  • Pay attention to all your senses- for ex, noticing the texture and taste of food

  • Empty the mind, take a few moments to be still

  • As soon as the mind wanders, bring it back to your breath

  • Practice non-judgemental listening

  • Be aware of every daily activity, driving, texting, cleaning

  • Go outdoors, walk around in nature

  • Forgive yourself for every negative thought

  • Be grateful, say thank you to nature, people, and things

  • Go easy on yourself, with time, you will see the progress

Recently while making adjustments and improvements to my daily diet, I have started to eat mindfully. It is amazing how focusing on the food as you taste before you place the food into your mouth can be. Noticing the texture and how the food really tastes contributes to how satisfying and full I become. It's very interesting, and I encourage you to try it, at least once. I also love to walk outside in front of my apartment and just notice the breeze as it flows through the trees and bushes. Having a breathing exercise outside is so refreshing and calming.

Have you tried mindfulness? If so, share with me how. Don't forget to check out more content on my podcast Swayed By Positivity

Also check out this previous blog post!

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